
- You can zoom in/out with scroll wheel

- Pan while holding right click

- Select ships with left drag

- Use Q/E or Ctrl+LeftClick to change current selected group (it's the one with the donut on top)

- Press W to redirect selected ships to the selected group

- Press Shift+LeftClick to reposition the group center of the current selected group

- Ships near the border will receive damage (in the future intended for enemy fire) and sink after some time (no respawn implemented yet)


This is just a proof of concept done during weekends to see performance etc...

Didn't have enought time to make it into a game for the Jam

I played with BabylonJs for the first time and tried something that was probably *not intended* for the engine, still very interesting learning experience on WebGL2 internals to make things work!

Feel free to live in the comments your performances (FPS + % deviation on top right) and your device info to calibrate the future releases (will probably implement 2 modes, low/high ship count)


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Seems to run as intended, looks cool visually even if just proof of concept. I was getting 110fps roughly when zoomed out on an m1 max.

Wow nice, I'll have to consider that case in the simulation then 😅, it should run capped at 60 but I guess the screen you have has high refresh rate and the browser decided to step it up (making speeds faster too I suppose), hope to figure out relatively soon all the weird things of the engine to be able to add some gameplay around it